
FALSE - If I don't register my child's birth, the state will have no power over them
2023-05-27 16:23 January 2023 saw one of those rare UK cases in which the UK courts are asked to authorise medical treatment of a newborn baby in advance of birth.   Once again we see that claims popular among so-c...
US Mum sues Doctor over vaccinating Children - a UK perspective
2023-05-17 16:24 The controversial US charity Childrens's Health Defence , founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is funding a lawsuit against a doctor alleged to have vaccinated two children against Covid-19 without ...
I don't want my child vaccinated at school
2023-04-03 16:19 Parents with children in a UK school will soon encounter the routine of vaccinations being administered in school. A vaccination provider such as the NHS or a private company will be in touch with par...
What is Gillick Competence?
2023-03-10 16:29 Gillick competence is a term used in medical law to describe the ability of a child under the age of 16 to consent to medical treatment without the need for parental consent or knowledge. It is named ...
Can I Discharge My Child From Hospital Against Doctors Advice?
2023-03-10 16:28 In the UK, a parent can generally discharge their child from hospital, but there are some important considerations and limitations to be aware of, so please read to the end.   If a child is under th...
Pandemic Preparedness Treaty
2023-03-10 16:27 Should we be worried about the WHO treaty?   Little is as yet certain about this proposed international treaty. At the time of writing, March 2023, only the very first draft has been published. Ther...