
An NHS Trust has promised in writing not to give a teenager a second Covid jab after our lawyers intervened


Thanks to your support, we have been able to support a mother whose son was vaccinated against her express refusal. We are currently exploring legal remedies and will tell you more about the case once details become clear.


Meanwhile though, the mum received a letter for a second dose to be administered at the same school. Concerned that her “no” would once again be ignored, she asked us to step in. Our lawyers wrote to the NHS and obtained written assurance that the boy would not be given the vaccine.


The letter said:

1. The lists provided to the vaccination team on the day will ONLY have those names of children whose parent/s or guardians have consented to them being vaccinated.

2. The school will only allow those children whose names are on the list to attend the space in which the vaccinations are being delivered, specifically to prohibit X into the vaccination area on the day of the vaccinations.

3. The operational manager and clinical leads for the vaccination team have been specifically instructed not to vaccinate X even if he attends the clinic and to pass this information on to all staff in the team.


Instructing lawyers is expensive. We are still grateful for every donation . Also, a lot of people don’t even know that the Consent charity exists, so please tell your friends.